You put your oven through a lot of hard work every time you use it so it is worth giving back some loving care in return!  Most ovens need general maintenance every couple of months to ensure it is kept at the optimal working level. Part of this maintenance involves giving your oven a deep clean. Now, this may feel like a strenuous task however general upkeep of your oven can add years to its lifespan if you keep up general maintenance. The average lifespan of an oven is 16 years but if you ensure you keep up general maintenance including cleaning it regularly it could add a couple more years onto its lifespan. Isn’t that a great return? Fifteen minutes of easy upkeep every four months could result in years of life boosted onto your dearly loved oven.

Why should I clean my oven?

A dirty and unclean oven can impact its ability more than you would think and can potentially become dangerous. The buildup of excess waste and residue in your oven will lead to putting additional stress on the oven as it will have to work harder to reach the desired temperature to cook your food. This additional stress can take years off of its lifespan. Not only that, but your food will taste unpleasant due to the build-up of residue. In extreme circumstances, it can eventually lead to unforeseen circumstances such as oven failure or alternatively a grease fire. 

How many times should I clean my oven a year?

In order to avoid these sticky situations, as a rule of thumb, you want to be cleaning the inside of your oven as frequent as every 3 to 4 months to ensure it is working at maximum efficiency. However, this may differ depending on the amount you use your oven. For example, some people may use theirs more frequently whilst others hardly use it. A good way to tell if your oven needs a clean before the 3 to 4 month period is if there are any lingering smells, if your food tastes strange or if there is excessive smoke coming out of your oven when cooking. If any of these signs are present, it is time to give your oven a deep clean. 

How do I clean my oven?

So the question you have now is, how do I actually clean my oven? There are many ways you can clean the interior but first start with taking the oven rack,  burners and grates and placing them in warm, soapy water. Let them soak for around 2 hours and then scrub away at them until clean. Once clean, dry them and then place them back into the oven.

In order to clean the interior of the oven, there are various methods you can follow as many ovens have features such as steam clean and self-cleaning features. Before attempting any method of cleaning it is always best to check the user guide manual to see what is the best method for your appliance. Steam cleaning is a useful feature if your oven has that option. It is as simple as adding water and running the cycle. The water will boil and leave moisture that you can simply wipe away and this will clean the food residue from the interior of the oven. Another feature many newer models have is a  cleaning feature where the appliance will heat up to 800 degrees and burn away all the dirt on the inside and you just wipe away the burnt ash with a damp cloth. This method is very easy and takes little time however it must be used sparingly and only when your oven is mildly dirty. This is due to the fact that if there is too much excess residue then it could cause a fire. Like I said before, it is always best to check what sort of cleaning method is best for your appliance in the user manual guide.


To answer the question, you should clean your oven every 3 to 4 months to ensure it maintains working at an optimal level. If you fail to clean it, it can lead to some inconvenient outcomes such as your food tasting a strange flavour; all the way to your oven catching on flames so it is very important you stay on top of it. Furthermore, with regular maintenance of your oven, you can put years onto its average lifespan.